Sunday, July 20, 2008
Health Notes!!
I have a new gimmick for losing weight every week or so, but they never seem to last!! My diet is a lot better with less calories, high fiber, etc...but the scale is not showing any progress. My attraction to boozing on Saturday nights isn't helping either. I log all my calories in TDP (The Daily but I am like a dishonest golfer giving myself Mulligans all the time!!
My sleep has gotten better recently now that I have new Cpap gear for my Sleep Apnea. I feel best on the weekends since I can sleep more hours. I guess I should start going to bed earlier but starting work later sounds like more fun!! A newly acquired mask to shield my eyes is a major improvement!! No sun waking me up prematurely!!
Staying pretty consistent with the exercise thing. I especially love the Elliptical at the Gym. I love the Hot Tub and Steam Room even better!!
When I don't make the gym, I try and hike at least 3 miles! I can't really do any resistance training since I had back surgery last February.
Captain's Log
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sunday - Stage 2 Hangover!!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Latest Workout Poop!!
Intermittent Exercise Is More Effective
Regular exercise is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle and for the prevention of coronary heart disease, Type II diabetes and obesity. Classic recommendations for endurance exercise have been 20 to 60 minutes of continuous exercise at a vigorous intensity. New research from the University of Missouri-Columbia suggests intermittent exercise is more effective at lowering artery-blocking fat in the bloodstream than continuous exercise when exercising just 30 minutes.
MU researchers conducted the study to examine the effects of continuous versus intermittent exercise on triglyceride, a type of fat, levels in the bloodstream after subjects ate high-fat meals. The results show that people who engage in 30 minutes of exercise can achieve lower triglyceride levels after a high fat meal if they engage in short, separated bouts of exercise rather than one continuous bout. The research team included professor of nutritional sciences Tom Thomas, post-doctorate fellow Thomas Altena, assistant professor of nutritional sciences Stephen Ball, and graduate student Jody Michaelson, all in the College of Human Environmental Sciences. Altena, who is now an assistant professor at Southwest Missouri State University, supervised the study.
“Most Americans who exercise are exercising around 30 minutes a day,” Thomas said. “Based on the results of the research, the intermittent approach would probably be best for most Americans at lowering fat in the bloodstream.”
The researchers examined triglyceride levels following meals in inactive subjects. All subjects performed three different protocols on different days. On the control day, subjects ate a high-fat meal only.
On a second visit, the subjects ate a high-fat meal following a session of continuous exercise. On another visit, the subjects ate a high-fat meal following a session of intermittent exercise in which the subjects exercised in 10-minute bouts separated by 20-minute rest periods.
Results indicated that peak triglyceride levels in the subjects who engaged in intermittent exercise before eating a high-fat meal were reduced by 27 percent. Those who engaged in continuous exercise reduced their triglyceride levels by 15 percent.
Thomas noted that exercising before eating was crucial for fat clearing, saying that the researchers believe muscle contraction during the exercise process stimulates a fat-clearing enzyme in the muscle. According to previous research, the enzyme activity seems to peak about 12 hours after the session of exercise. In addition to showing what type of exercise is best, this information also could help someone determine what time is best for exercise.
Since it’s best to exercise 12 hours before eating a large or high-fat meal, those who eat large breakfasts could benefit more from exercise in the evening, while those who eat large dinners could benefit more from exercise in the morning.
However, Thomas said, the exercise effect on fat clearing does not last more than 24 hours, which suggests the need for daily physical activity to continuously stimulate the fat clearing system.
The research is published in the August issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Power Smoothies!!!
I can get a huge Smoothie made with Splenda and stay under 300 calories. Most of these island delights are loaded with whatever nutritional ingredients you are into at that very moment.
For example, I thought my immune system could use some support during allergy season, so I tried out a "Morning After" Smoothie designed to fight hangovers with a load of Vitamin C Immune Complex. It tasted awesome, filled me up, and gave me a nice energy bump!!
Need a little caffeine? Try a "Lean Machine" when you "Get up and Go" got up and went!! It's filled with Fat Metabolizers, Strawberries and Banana so you can get your Groove on.
If you are a Buff Bagwell Muscle Head you can go for another Power Smoothie called "Health Nut" that features Blueberries, Mango, Banana, Almonds and your choice of Soy or Whey protein!!
I also thought the Wraps were excellent but have not tried the Sandwiches yet because the Smoothie's were so filling.
The atmosphere is definitely of the ParrotHead type! Lots of Reggae, etc along with a decor to match!!
Tropical Smoothie Cafe gets my highest rating!!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Going Ballistic with Netflix!!
Saturday, May 03, 2008
The Big Bush Bonus!!
Friday, May 02, 2008
Dirty Rotten Workout Hangovers!!
I had back surgery (Microdiscectomy) last February and am recovering pretty well considering it's only been a little over two months since the surgery. I started Physical Therapy in early March and started working out every day (Mainly Elliptical Exercise) in order to lose some of the Gut I developed while laid up. This was all well and good until I started feeling like I was putting tequila in my Gatorade the day after the workouts! Draggy, Cranky, Headachey, etc.
Initially I blamed it on my allergies, but I think it may be simple over training! I ran across this little tidbit in an article by Tom Gorman about Ellipticals....
"Using your elliptical trainer every other day or three times a week should provide adequate workout time, and you should see results quickly. It is important to take “rest days” so as not to overwork your muscles. Overworking can cause your weight loss or muscle building to slow down, not speed up."
Not only does this explain my hangovers but also my reluctance to lose weight! It's easy to underestimate what a good workout the Ellipticals give since you don't actually notice how hard you are working out! It is very low impact!
Looks like I will be working out every other day for at least the near future!!
Common warning signs of over training include:
Washed-out feeling, tired, drained, lack of energy
Mild leg soreness, general aches and pains
Pain in muscles and joints
Sudden drop in performance
Decreased immunity (increased number of colds, and sore throats)
Decrease in training capacity / intensity
Moodiness and irritability
Loss of enthusiasm for the sport
Decreased appetite
Increased incidence of injuries.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Big Tuesday-Ohio Style!!
Since I am recovering from back surgery, the one thing I have to do to pass the time (Besides getting fat) is watch all the political hoopla that sorrounds the Ohio and Texas primaries.
I've been getting drilled by Clinton backers on the phone and witnessed Obama backers freezing their asses off holding up signs out in the freezing cold!
My perception is that my senses have been assaulted more by the Clintonians than the Obamanites which might be why Hillary is ahead in the Polls here.
Although I like Obama, I will most likely vote for Hillary mainly because she at least tried to do something about the Healthcare crisis and also because there would be two Presidential types in the White House for the price of one. The Clinton machine has all the Political machinery in place and the experience to operate it. Obama needs a few more years of making contacts and gaining political street cred before he will be able to accomplish anything.
Most folks I talk to are split and not sure who they are going to vote for until they hit the Polls tomorrow....which could wreac havoc with exit polling!
Weather forecast for tommorow is horrible...but everyone is so jacked about having a Primary that matters, I'm sure there will still be a good turnout at the Polls.
Forecast from the Wayward Caucus Posse: Ohio to Clinton, Texas to Obama!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Hangover Avoidance 101!!
Today, I feel pretty darn good!!
Here is the basic plan that I used....
1. Eat a big meal before going out (I focused on fiber)
2. Pound Vitamins before you head out.
3. Drink Clear liquids (Vodka, Gin-I did Vodka and Tonics)
4. Funnel a Ton of Water or Gatorade beforehand. (Electrolytes a big factor/dehydration)
5. Drink water along with your alcoholic buzz bomb as the evening progresses.
6. Eat something when you get home (Oatmeal) and take a hit of Vitamin B/C
7. Sleep as late as you can.
8. Eat a solid breakfast
The downside of all this Damage Control is that you will be ingesting a ton of calories.
If you are worried about some cornball diet your are on, ignore the preceding advice and continue to lose weight while you are upchucking all over your bathroom!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Super Tuesday Tidbits!!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Fearless Super Bowl 2008 Prediction!!
My reasoning for this bold statement is that the Pats not only want to go undefeated, but they will also want to make the Super Bowl a "Statement Game". Winning a close game to go undefeated won't be good enough for Brady and Company. Also, too many people are jumping on the Giants bandwagon since they blew away the spread in all of the playoff games.
Back to The Bogosphere!! The Return of the Kevinator
My personal fortunes have taken a turn for the better as I have found "Gainful" employment in my role as a Recruiter of Emergency Department Physicians. This seems to go against the grain of current trends since quite a few of my younger contemporaries are worried about cutbacks at their companies!! I am still broke, however, since I blew a disk in my back while I was still waiting for my Healthcare Bennies to kick in!! I am counting the hours until my income tax refund show up so I can pay Chiropractor, MRI people, etc!!
Feel free to hang out as I put forth a journal of my rise to mediocrity and espouse my totally biased opinions!!